Two Messages for the Day

During morning meditation, I asked Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard two messages.  The first message was "Tibia."  The second message I heard, "I already feel loved by those who love me and know me."

The first message ended up being a synchronistic moment during the day.  My wife Kels, son Mason, and I went to our friends Steve's home to watch the Packers play the Bills.  During the game, Steve asked Kels if she had heard about the scandal, involving Seahawk player Earl Thomas, who broke his tibia.  She stated she had.  Kels had filled me in about the sandal earlier in the week.  His injury had a occurred during last week's game.  It is the second time he has broken his tibia since 2016.  In addition, he didn't get an extension on his four-year, 40 million dollar contract, before the break.  Now he will most likely be a free agent at the end of the 2018 season.

The second message came from a place of security and confidence.   Per history, I have always felt insecure about being loved by family and those who know me.  I feel my past insecurities manifested from feelings of abandonment.

My healthy relationship with my wife Kels has directly impacted how I feel about myself.  Over the past 8 years she has done a tremendous about of profound listening, validating, and encouraging me to grow independently.  As a result, I don't feel needy or unloved.  I can now stand and act on my own.  Many of my loved ones and those who know me are cheering me on, whether I hear it or not.


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