Spoon, Fork, and Spatula

Monday, October 22nd

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then didn't hear anything, but received visuals:  spoon, fork, and tongs.

The night before, and this past Saturday, my wife and I had gotten in a couple of arguments.  My feelings were hurt.  She stated she didn't understand how and why.   She stated she didn't know how to avoid the arguments or resolve them.  She stated she hates to to have conversation during an argument.  This I didn't understand.  I stated before falling asleep that I have the answers to how best to communicate with me during an argument and how to move on, if she is willing to try.  I stated I know what I need in order to feel better and move on from a misunderstanding or disagreement.  My wife stated she was open to trying, and then we both fell asleep.  We were emotionally exhausted from our inability to communicate effectively, which resulted in hurt feelings for the both of us.

Somoya was brilliant with her visual message that I received this morning.  I easily was able to interpret the three images as three tools of improving communication.  I first saw the "spoon" as a soup spoon.  The spoon represents "spooning" me validation around a difficult and emotionally charged situation.  After finishing my "soup of validation", so to speak, my wife can use the "tongs" to assist me with putting the "salad of mixed feelings and issues (whether surface or deep)" on the "plate" for us to face and examine.  Next my wife can use the "fork" to slowly and thoughtfully assist me with picking through the "salad", consuming the good, and discarding whatever is leftover.

I shared all of this information with my wife later in the day.  She stated she liked the symbols and interpretations.  She stated she would try her best to support me this way.  Our next step is to apply these new tools when struggling with miscommunication and or hurt feelings.

Overall, clear communication and being understood is difficult, but needed by everyone.  It is a part of life. Best to have skills, use them, and manage disagreements and misunderstandings, rather then try to avoid all together.  Not talking and avoiding will always lead to resentment for one, if not both parties involved.


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