Privileges after Nine Years

Thursday, October 4th

This morning during meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard, "I have some privileges after nine years."  This would naturally be referring to my current employment.  I have been at the County hospital for over nine years.  Over the years I have proven myself as being independent, hard working, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, honest, a strong advocate for the population we serve and modeling leadership qualities.  As a result, I have shifted from the need for micro-management to macro-management.  I only have to check in with my direct supervisor once every two weeks for 30 minutes.  The primary purpose is to check in and update on my client load.  I only have to go to a one hour team meeting once a week.  I only have to work 32 hours per week, and I have Fridays off.  I am granted full benefits, in spite of working less hours.  I am allowed to take lunch when I want.  I am allowed to flex my time, come in early or stay late, just avoid working over-time.  Most of all, I am a member of a very good union.  They continue to protect our rights and have our backs, but more importantly grant us the freedom to use our voice to advocate for ourselves and others, without the fear of retribution.

Often times I find myself dwelling on the fact that I don't make much money in my position. Now I recognize I am so fortunate to have so many perks with my job.  In addition, and more importantly, I am of the minority who can honestly say I love what I do each day!  I serve others by profoundly listening, offering compassion, being non-judgmental, modeling recovery, and guiding individuals through their own recovery process.  It is very rewarding work.  It challenges myself as a person to grow more daily, while I assist others with some of their steps along their journey.


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