Never Stop Asking Questions

Wednesday, October 3rd

This morning during meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I heard internally, "Never stop asking questions."

Yesterday, I had a housing case manager go off on me, because I was advocating for a client of his, by asking several questions.  The clt I am assisting is currently feeling over overwhelmed by the noise caused by a neighbor living above him.

Long story short, it was by me asking several questions that brought about some further actions steps and empowered the client in the process.  As a result, the clt felt supported and was able to calm down.  The clt thanked me for "locking horns" (as he put it) with the case manager and having his back.

The fact that the housing case manager lost his cool said a lot about him and his current work situation.

I was made fun of all throughout school for asking too many questions.  Asking questions helps me learn better, problem solve, and improve myself or support others.  I will NEVER stop asking questions, whether it is to support myself, my loved ones, or the people I serve in our community.

Later this evening, at my son's middle school curriculum night, his math teach said these exact words.  She said, "Never stop asking questions.  The best mathematicians asked the most questions."  It was really amazing to see what Somoya shared with me this morning, come to fruition this evening!


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