Marty Did It!

Friday, October 12th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide what I needed to know for the day.  I then heard internally, "Marty did it!"  The sad thing was I at first tried to dismiss it.

Last evening my wife, son, and I watched a phenomenal documentary called "Running For Good".  We were all flabbergasted about an extraordinary woman named Fiona Oakes.  She is from the UK.  Her mental strength and physical ability to run for a cause appears to be inhumanly possible.  Her right leg has no knee cap! Fiona lost it due to an illness when she was seventeen.  She has won countless races, has four genius world records, and is the fastest woman on all seven continents!  Her sole purpose and drive is to develop a platform for veganism-protecting all animals.  Naturally, she and her husband Martin have an animal sanctuary.  

After watching a documentary about such an amazing person, my own life accomplishments felt minuscule.  This has been a lifetime problem for me...comparing myself and competing with others.  This often leads to extreme highs and lows, depending on the situation.  Over the years I have a lot to be proud of.  I now recognize each person has their own "extraordinary moments", whether celebrated by others or not.  My job is to allow others to celebrate my accomplishments/achievements, but more importantly to do it internally and externally for myself.  Celebrating others and one's self builds self-esteem and confidence.  

Over the past eight years my wife Kelli has been trying to teach me the value of competing with myself, rather than with others.  This is how she moves through life.  Her method makes me feel more secure and proud of myself.

After reflecting back on Somoya's words, her message from this morning has become more clear.  Just the other day my wife and son celebrated me!  Now I am taking my successes/accomplishments more to heart.  

I live with ADD.  I have never found academics enjoyable and barely bearable over the years.  I only read, because it was mandatory in school.  

In the past year and a half or so, I have taken the risk to be open and attempt to read for enjoyment.  I have read a few books since then.  My short term memory is good in the moment, but overall long term comprehension is poor.  With age and life experience,  I have come to accept this, and not care anymore.  

Just a few weeks ago, I finished the biography of Vince Lombardi: "When Pride Still Mattered".  The irony, is football is my wife's passion, not mine, but this is my way of showing interest and being supportive.  The book is big physically and in its number of pages.  It took me about a year to read every single word on all 500 pages!  My drive came from attempting to understand why my wife Kelli is so loyal to the Packers.  In addition, I wanted to understand what made a man like Vince Lombardi such an amazing coach, role model, and national leader.  

What really warmed my heart, was my wife and son chose to celebrate me finishing the book.  NO ONE has done this for me before.  All three of us love celebrating and surprising each other.  Earlier this week I had a very frustrating workday.  I was not in a good head space when arriving home.  When I unlocked the door, the chain was on the door.  I was about to loose my cool, but then suddenly pop streamers when off!  I was greeted with warm smiles and hugs from both family members.  My son bought me shower note pads to capture my morning thoughts.  Kelli bought me one of my favorite vegan dinners.  They both were so loving and thoughtful.  I am so grateful for them and their actions.  

I finally accept that the small and large successes/accomplishments need to be recognized and celebrated by each of us, for ourselves and for others everyday!


  1. This warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I love celebrating you and all your accomplishments. I am proud of you and amazed by you every day.


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