It Says it's Right Here in These Teeth...Jaws

Thursday, October 11th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard, "It says it's right here in these teeth...Jaws."

I personally find shark teeth scary/frightening.  Some things in life are literally as dangerous as they look.  For instance, the teeth of the great white shark.  The fictional movie Jaws horrified me as a very young child.  To this day I am still afraid to swim in the ocean.

Once I moved past the ingrained childhood fear, a Google search was in order.  The teeth identify sharks as prehistoric fish.  Sharks have been around way before humans, around 400 million years!  Sharks loose around 35,000 teeth in their lifetime.  These razor sharp teeth help them remain at the top of the food chain.  Without sharks being present in our oceans, our seas will eventually collapse!  Algae would over bloom, and all water life would suffer.  When sharks die, their teeth sink to the ocean bottom floors.  Over 10,000 years, the sands fossilize shark teeth, and ironically they become a commodity on our worldwide markets.

My take away from meditation:  Often our initial knee jerk response to anything in the physical world that is scary looking, is to kill it, rather than respect and get to know it.  One article stated that 10 people a year are killed by sharks.  Commercial fishermen kill approx 100,000,000 million sharks annually with trawling nets that are dragged along the ocean bottom floors.  In addition, countless other living creatures are killed in the process of catching salmon or shrimp.  Being reactive and not thoughtful is a recipe for world disaster.

Furthermore, the message in the shark's teeth can predict all of our ocean's future, if we don't drastically change our thinking process and behavior.  Which is more horrifying, the teeth themselves, or them being extinct all together??  I am now going to advocate for our shark's future.

I plan to face my future fears head on, by openly gathering more information.  Most likely I will become friends with them, instead of running or intentionally causing more harm.


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