I Would Like to Nominate Pat

Tuesday, October 2nd

I unfortunately overslept Monday morning, so I was unable to find time to meditate and connect with my Spirit Guide Somoya.

This morning, during meditation, I asked Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I internally heard, "I would like to nominate Pat."  I believe it refers to my co-worker Pat.  He manages the recycling program at the hospital.  He really does an amazing job with his crew.  They are professional, polite, and consistent with pick cup of cardboard and recycles.  Recently, we as a team, we were just talking about celebrating ourselves as Peer Specialists.  Patrick has been managing the crew for many close to 10 years.  My plan is to nominate Pat at the next team meeting. I think it would be awesome if each of us as peers wrote in a card, in a few words, why we appreciate him.  My wife Kels has always said handwritten thank you's are most meaningful.


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