I Don't Need to Drive the Ship. I Just Need to Own It

Tuesday, October 30th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard, "I don't need to drive the ship.  I just need to own it."

I feel this pertains to my consulting business.  I would love to stop having to be in control of everything, in order to make it a successful and profitable business.  I would love to collaborate with more people I trust (like Eric King, for example).   I ideally would love to get to the point where I just show up and present or train with Eric King.

I am loyal to Eric.  He has consistently been a good and kind friend.  I have known Eric for almost 10 years.  I am finding someone to make sales and set up my future presentations and trainings.  This is my new goal, after Eric and I get on a roll.


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