I Am the Worst, Driving Emotionally

Sunday, October 14th

This morning during meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day. I then internally heard, "I am the worst, driving emotionally."

The funny thing is, I couldn't agree more with her statement.  Normally, I am defensive if someone criticizes or critiques my weaknesses, but not this time.  I had to laugh out loud.  Somoya knows me well.

What is funnier, is I forgot all about this morning's information, before going on an afternoon drive with my wife.  Within the first six blocks, I encountered several horrendous drivers.  I lit up with each encounter, by vocalizing my frustration, while my wife remained calm and quiet.  Suddenly, Somoya's words came to the forefront of my mind.  I then shared her words with Kelli.  Let's just say Kelli didn't disagree with Somoya's statement.  Kelli actively listened and asked me questions.

Driving and being reactive has been an ongoing problem for me since young adulthood.  Fortunately, non of my vocalizations have lead to violations or altercations.

As I have been making meditation, Reiki, and clearing chakras as a part of my daily routine, I have revamped how I manage the driving scene.  I usually start off my drive with deep breathing and using visualization to clear my chakras, while at the wheel.  The result is no thinking about my day.  My hyperawareness is on my physical surroundings.  Best of all, I receive calm feelings.

Many people argue that I can't meditate and driving simultaneously.  (Don't worry, my eyes are always open, and legs never crossed!)  Driving meditation for me is no different than mindful walking meditation, and the results are just as amazing.


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