I Am Making a New Friend

Thursday, October 25th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard, "I am making a new friend."  I also heard, "Your at risk of losing everything."

I got the feeling if I chose to work at DESC, I might be at risk of losing everything-groups and benefits.  Had feeling it would be nice to work for the County.  I would get paid more.  It would be safer.  I would keep my retirement the same.  Possibly I could work as a Peer Bridger or in another position.  I don't trust my interpretation, due to the fact that it didn't come from my gut, but from my head.  I may just be scared to work for DESC.  I know the people who work there are cool and real overall.  The turnover though is very high.  I just need to look at all my choices and take my time.

The new friend I am making is Eric King.  We are starting to build a friendship as we work together on the consulting business.   We have worked together for many years.  Nice to finally start a friendship outside of work.  I feel really good about choosing to work with him.


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