Follow Your Work's Lifework and Enjoy!

Monday, October 8th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  I then internally heard, "Follow your work's life work and enjoy."  

When I arrived at work this morning, one of my co-workers stated she was asked by our supervisor to do another task outside of our wheel house.  I just recently was coursed to do the same two months ago.  This immediately made me mad.  I had a strong feeling of wanting to quit.  Pressure and manipulation has been going on for a long time.  I made note to myself to get my resume updated ASAP.  

I sensed my co-worker was trying to provoke me.  She has done this once before.  I can be very reactive.  I am the only one on the team that fights to set limits and boundaries with supervisors and upper management.  I try to protect myself and the team from being overworked without financial compensation.  

Over the 9 years I have found my supervisor often trying to get my peers and I to do tasks that social workers and case managers are qualified and supposed to do.  I often find management is trying to find ways to use us, to benefit the companies bottom line.  Management makes a point to stroke our ego and often promotes our successes internally and externally via media.  Unfortunately, our frequent increased responsibilities and verbal praise are not followed by raises.  

Later, I thought back on what my Spirit Guide Somoya communicated.  I realized I needed to better understand what "lifework" meant in this context.  When I Googled, the definition stated:  a work extending over a lifetime.  The county hospital's mission statement rings true to my core:  serving the poorest of the poor.

I realized that I just need to bring myself back to center daily.  I need to remind myself each day why I do the work that I do.  That my work environment, people I serve, and co-workers overall are extremely special.  I am very fortunate to have such an outlet to share my skill-sets, gifts, and passion.  I need to recognize that the Universe has provided.  My needs have been met for almost ten years.  I am overall extremely happy, but not often grateful.  The Universe will guide me when it is time to move on.  I just need to trust and profoundly listen.  For now, it is my job to relax, do the work, and enjoy!


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