Call Them Out in Public

Tuesday, October 16th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard, "Call them out in public."  I feel this could relate to work, family, and or anyone out in the community.  I feel Somoya is trying to tell me this is the best way to get someone to change or at least examine their behavior. 

Last night I took this approach at a PTSA meeting.  I had sent an email a week ago to the PTSA president offering a free training to assist middle school children, staff, and parents on how to manage stress, empower ones self, and get ones needs met effectively.  The president of the PTSA never took the time to respond to my email either way.  I then chose to go to this meeting partially in order to call out the person in public on why I received no response.  The person was left with making excuses, but eventually apologized for their lack of action.  It then gave me an opportunity to network further.  This lead to receiving a couple emails today from the PTSA, showing interest in a possible training in the near future.

I have one co-worker at work who's behavior is very unpredictable.  My gut tells me he is just very insecure.   I feel uncomfortable and guarded around him.  Sometimes his comments and questions are genuine and kind, other times just mean and spiteful.  I hate being on egg shells around him.  I tend to greet and smile at him first in the morning, in hopes of not being picked on.  It gives him pseudo power.  

Somoya wants me to get my happiness and power back!  Several months ago, I did call him out on his bad behavior, in the nurses station, with others around.  He was so scared of getting in trouble, that he wrote me an apology note.  In addition, later on he met with me face to face to apologize for his insensitive and rude comments.  Just as of yesterday, he is back to his old unpredictable behavior.  He made a mean comment about about one of my body parts, but I failed to address it in public.  Therefore, I now feel hurt and insecure.  I feel like I am back in grade school all over!  

I empowered myself today by speaking one on one with his supervisor.  I asked if this person had a tendency to do this kind of behavior with others.  His supervisor stated, "Yes.  He is just scared!  I just make fun of him back.  He doesn't know what to do but stare.  You can also just ignore all together and steer clear...or I can talk to him."  I stated I will just do my best to steer clear.  

But now that I ponder more about Somoya's morning message, I need to do the hardest thing and call him out on his shit each and every time in front of others.  The best way to do this is ask open ended questions about why he or she is acting this way.  For that person it makes them pause and think.  Such an interaction in public is embarrassing as hell.  Having the courage to stand up for ones self in this manner will break the individuals sinister spell!


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