"You're Eating All of My Wonderful Foods!"

Saturday, September 22

During morning meditation I called upon my Spirit Guide Somoya. I asked what I needed to know for today.  Shortly after, I internally heard, "You're eating all of my wonderful foods!"  A few moments later I heard, "The magician has taken it's place."  I saw and felt myself eating raw foods.  My wife and I keep talking more and more about going back to eating raw.  To be vegan and eat vegan is easy, plus it can be fattening too.  I have been vegan for close to three years now with my wife.  I needed to change my diet in order to extend the life of my kidneys.  It is definitely working.  But overall, I know I would feel even better and more alive, if I could be disciplined enough to eat all raw for all my meals.  I need to put forth the effort to juice, do smoothies, and make salads and more creative meals with my wife.  She ideally wanted to eat raw, but I was feeling like I wasn't getting enough calories.  I now know I can get more calories, if needed, from avocados and coconut butter.  My wife and I are now choosing to eat raw again.  We are both excited to do so!


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