"Trump Trying to Get in the Way of Unions"

Friday, September 21st

During morning meditation I internally heard, "Trump trying to get in the way of unions."  I haven't been exposed to news on the TV or newspapers lately.  Also no conversation with co-workers, family or friends about Trump and unions.  I am not sure what this is all about.  

I decided to Google "Trump and unions".  Several articles came up how Trump verbally attacked the head of America's biggest labor union-Richard Trumka, chief of AFL-CIO.  Trumka had criticized the president's strategy for renegotiating NAFTA.  

On September 3rd of 2018, PBS News Hour stated, "The Trump administration has been ramping up pressure on organized labor and federal workers lately.  The president issued executive orders limiting the activities of the unions that represent them--which was later blocked by a federal judge--then eliminated a potential pay hike for federal employees."

After receiving this insight, I intend to follow more closely the battle between the unions and federal employees with the president.    


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