Synchronicity Throughout the Day

Friday, September 28th

Friday is one of my days off from work.  My wife Kels is out of town to see the Packers play in Green Bay this coming Sunday.  Therefore, I had to skip my morning meditation and run my son off to school. 

After dropping off my son, I ate his Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast.  I was feeling lazy, and wanted something simple and sweet.  As I was enjoying the cereal, I was going through my unread emails.  One email that I am subscribed to is called Environmental Washington.  The subject was about a ban on bee-killing pesticides lifted by the Trump Administration recently.  This was the first synchronistic moment I noticed today:  I was eating Honey Nut Cheerios, while reading about bumble bees being threatened in more than 850 million acres nationwide.  I then went on Google and looked up Honey Nut Cheerios.  There was a whole webpage dedicated to how General Mills is collaborating with a non-profit named Xerces Society.  The Xerces Society headquarters is out of Oregon and have been around for 47 years.  They advocate to protect invertebrates and their habitats.  General Mills is trying to bring back some of the bee population by creating acreage for planting wild flowers.  This will attract the bumble bees.  The fact is we need the bees.  They pollinate most of our fruits and vegetables.  If the bumble bees go extinct, then a lot of our fruits and vegetables won't exist.  That is the understanding I got from reading both the General Mills and the Xerces Society websites.  Xerces also provided excellent short and informative videos.  

I am now completely on board about protecting the bees and other living things.  I now better understand why my wife donates to save bees and their habitat.  I am very grateful she makes monthly contributions.  I have never been open to such giving.  I am only use to giving of my time.  Now I realize both types of giving are essential.  I usually just offer monetary support once in a blue moon, if at all to a good cause.  After today's research, I have a whole new persecutive...both kinds of giving are needed and matter.

As the morning went on, I kept myself very busy during the day doing multiple tasks and running errands.  Eventually I went for a walk, about 8 hours later.  I then had another synchronistic moment.  Shortly leaving our home, I came across a young woman walking on the other side of the street.  She then waved and shouted out, "Hi!...You seem like someone who cares!"  She then darted towards me.  I was taken aback and felt defensive.  I automatically in a firm voice said, "Are you soliciting something?" She looked very surprised by my statement, almost offended.  She then repeated her statement.  The woman stated she was a member of Green Peace.  She said she wanted two things:  a monthly donation (based on what I felt comfortable giving) and a signature.   She then proceeded to ask if I had my phone on me.  Even though I did, I stated I did not.  I stated I appreciate and like what Green Peace does for animals and the planet.  I stated I would donate at another time.  From this synchronistic moment I clearly decided that I would give monthly to Green Peace by signing up via their website this weekend.  

It was so amazing to see how one event leads to another, and nothing is by chance.  It wasn't a coincidence.  I just need to be very open and more aware of the connections between moments throughout the day.  All of this happened for a reason.  I am looking forward to observing more synchronistic moments that happen throughout my future days on this Earth.


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