Spirit Guide Communicates

Saturday, September 22nd

My wife asked to meditate this evening.  I shared my latest entry with her on this blog.  I also shared how I had changed the name of the blog.  She thought it was OK.  My wife paused, and then suggested that I call upon my Spirit Guide Somoya for assistance with a name.  I was open to her recommendation.  

During meditation, I internally heard, "Energy Waves Communicate".  I then shared with my wife.  We both liked it.  The blog title is clear and logical.   

I have a tendency to try and be witty and clever.  I had learned this from my brother Joel when he was alive.  I admired him and wanted to be a lot like him.  Even though myself and others loved his wit and cleverness.  Although, when he would put it to writing, the brilliance often made most of us feel confused or it went over our heads.  His best delivery was verbal.  That is why my wife's suggestion was best.  She nudged me to listen to my Spirit Guide, rather than think of witty and clever phrases in my head.


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