Never Give up on Your Dreams

Saturday, September 29th

This morning, I had more free time to meditate, so I tried again.  I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for the day.  I then internally heard, "Never give up on your dreams, Daddy!"  This was in my son Mason's voice.  (During summer break Mason encouraged me to blog daily what I hear during daily meditations, rather than just journal in a notebook.  He said he loves hearing what my Spirit Guide Somoya has to share, and feels others would find it interesting too.)

I realized yesterday, during my meditation walk, that I have stopped visualizing daily about having a successful consulting business.   I do more thinking about it, than anything, when I am at my primary job.  I have stopped with supportive "I am" statements in regards to my business being lucrative.   I haven't been saying my "I am" statements out loud.  In addition, most importantly, I haven't been feeling it.  I need to get back to visualizing, saying supportive statements in present tense, and feeling the words at the same time.  All three need to be combined simultaneously multiple times throughout the day.  This is a job in itself.

For myself, believing in the visualization and the supportive "I am" statements is the most challenging.  That is why I am not feeling it.  Throughout childhood and my adult life, I had it pounded into me by my father to be logical and "use my head".   Too much being in my head, definitely makes the dream go dead!

Visualization is second most challenging.  I don't see in color, but I can see outlines/ghosts of how I am moving throughout the day or towards a goal.  This requires mental effort and some time to do this task, but it is so worth it.  I have recently been visualizing how I want to move throughout my workday each morning, while in the shower.  For the most part everything comes to fruition.   I need and deserve to do the same for my family time and my consulting business, which feeds two more of my passions.  I also know that visualization will lead to more synchronistic moments.

Starting today, I am going back to daily visualization, supportive statements, and feeling it, when it comes to how I spend my time with my loved ones and pursuing my business.


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