Information about Work

Saturday, September 29th

During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today.  Soon I internally heard, "Martha is coming over to HMC...that shows you how bad it is."

Martha is a case manager who specializes in housing on outpatient.  I have worked with her for over 9 years.  I am not sure what Somoya's statement means.  Possibly, Martha is coming over to present on information about housing with our team.  Or, she is coming over to work permanently.

There definitely is a housing crisis in Seattle.  This has been going on for years.  Housing is our number one barrier for getting people to discharge quickly from the psych units.  We as a community need to make low income housing a priority in King County.  The problem is no one wants low income housing in their neighborhood.  The reality is homelessness is not going away without financial assistance, but only going to get worse, if we ignore it.  In addition, a lot more funding needs to go towards outpatient services, shelters, and harm reduction programs, in order to keep people off the streets.  

Possibly, I will have a synchronistic moment this coming week that involves seeing or meeting Martha.


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