How do You Use Log Shots?

Sunday, September 23rd

After awakening, I meditated.  I called upon my Spirit Guide Somoya.  I internally heard, "How do you use log shots?"  I wasn't sure what this was referencing.  I then Googled log shots.  Two different things came up, which I immediately felt would peak my son's interest.  He loves making videos on his iPhone and my old video camera.  After previewing one video and one article about log shots, I shared with my son.  After viewing the U-Tube video about using "Log-Format Recording" on a video camera for cleaning up video shots, he stated, "That was fascinating!"  He then immediately began to summarize what he learned.  Then I showed my son the video/film log worksheet that directors and assistant directors use to keep track of shots, so that later on it doesn't become difficult to edit.  My son then stated, "I find the log sheet overwhelming."     


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