Expectations in the workplace

Friday, September 7th

During my morning meditation, I internally heard, "You need to slow down your expectations of work."  Last evening, I was sharing with a manager, who is a friend at work, my hurt feelings caused by others behavior in the workplace.  My friend was empathetic.  She quietly listened and validated.  She stated she had been deeply hurt in the past by one of the people I was venting about.  I felt understood and not alone.

Overall, I feel I have always been idealistic and naive about how the work environment "should" operate, especially in behavioral health and in a hospital.  I am too trusting and open with managers and co-workers in the workplace about how I truly feel about anyone or the unethical workings of the business.  My personality has always been to seek the truth and hold myself and others accountable for our actions or lack of.  In addition, staff in general go after my weaknesses and/or take advantage of my kindness.  I am working harder daily on setting limits, boundaries, and lowering my "expectations" of others in the workplace.  I don't want to feel so hurt so often.  I want to break this pattern.  

If I can "slow down my expectations of work", just do the work that I love to do, and enjoy the people I like being around, current work will be fun, manageable, and sustainable.  Avoid trying to fix sick work environments and the people I serve.  Either be kind, understanding and have compassion towards others and with sick systems, or move on to a different environment.  Those are my choices.

I need to stay focused on my purpose and passion, rather than on my expectations not being met in the workplace.  It will always be a dysfunctional system attracting dysfunctional people in general.  My purpose and passion can out way all of this, if I remain focused, grateful, and keep my vibrations positive and high.  

I trust my gut will tell me when to pursue other opportunities.  For now, I need to remain calm and comfortable not knowing the "when" and "how".  


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