Deep Kiss
Tuesday, September 25th
During morning meditation, I asked my Spirit Guide Somoya what I needed to know for today. I then internally heard, "More than 10 ways to enjoy a deep kiss." I was visually seeing my wife and feeling myself kissing her. I then Googled. I found a website describing 13 ways to kiss. I enjoyed the article and learned some new things. I emailed my wife this morning and shared my insight. I stated I would like to take more initiative on how to kiss. I love being romantic. It is part of who I am. I have lost touch with it over the years. I find kissing sexy and fun, and it doesn't need to lead to making love. It is a sensual way to connect and show affection for one another at any point in a relationship. My goal is to learn different ways and take the lead, so kissing feels more passionate. Kissing is a skill and an art that draws two people closer.
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