7/8/18: During meditation I heard, "The kid doesn't have as much on his plate, as the kid thinks." I believe this pertains to our son Mason. He easily gets overwhelmed with learning and homework, but he currently only does homework and learning every other week. This has been going on ever since kindergarten. Kelli and I choose to teach and work on opening his mind to learning. This coming fall, he will be in middle school. He will be required to do homework in both homes one hour per night. It won't be any way near as much as the children who are in general education classes.
"Venting" 2/24/21 It's my Birthday! I am 49.
During morning meditation, while suiting up, I heard, "Venting." I feel this pertains to work. I have been strongly advocating for a client of mind that hasn't received proper services for over 8 months. He is a minority. I am seeing a pattern in my caseload.
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