2/1/18:  Clt introduced Hz 432 and HZ 528 for deep meditations, sleep, and healing/cleanse shakers.  Clt stated to play while doing things in the home. (synchronistic moment)

2/1/18:  Co-worker Lisa who is a nurse said to play Abraham in the background while doing things at home.  Listen over and over.  Raises positive vibrations.  Need to believe and be open.  Synchronistic   moment.  Two in the same afternoon.  Neither person knew one another.  Lisa works per-deim.  The chances of speaking to two people with similar beliefs and have them openly share in the same day without each knowing me,  made the moments very synchronistic.

2/2/18:  I heard, "Help Kels find her place in the world."  I was doing Reiki to help take the pain out of my wife's sore throat.  Did Reiki to prevent my wife from becoming more sick.  I had Hz 432 and fan going at same time.

2/3/18:  My wife and I were listening to Abraham this AM.  The talk was all about "wants" and "feeling the wants".  Saying what you want, but really feeling in your body the want as your thinking/visualizing and saying the want.  I profoundly listened today, pushed aside my fears and judgement, and asked what my wife's passion is in the moment.  She hesitantly stated taking over Sandy's non-profit business-Rabbit Meadows.  She became excited when I encouraged her to pursue and gather facts about what it would take to take over the business.  My promise to her is to remain positive and supportive, whether she pursues her passion for caring for animals or some other passion that feeds her soul.  We both want to attract good and happiness.

2/9/18:  I heard this in the AM while half asleep/trying to wake up: "The way to get into the industry, is to stay in the industry."   I am confident this pertains to my product that I developed.  Yesterday I was approached by a nurse to see if she could take my product to Swedish inpatient psych.  I requested a contact person and I would pursue setting up groups.  I asked if she would have interest in running group.  She stated yes and we shook on it.

2/11/18:  While waking in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I heard, "Your day to day is messed up."  Been thinking a lot about work lately, due to being given the opportunity to train many attending psychiatrists soon on my product.  Wanting to use product to empower both clients, the doctors, and all staff.

2/27/18:  I made time to meditate and do Reiki to clear my chakras for 20 minutes.  I briefly saw an open ballroom with round tables and stacked chairs to the side.  I was pulling out the tables and chairs with another person in order to set up the room.  I believe this ties into my future.  It feels realistic and exciting.  I deserve it.

3/5/18:  During meditation, I heard, "Eight years ago."  I had to take several moments to ponder what this may pertain to.  I then realized that was the beginning of my journey of true independence.  The beginning of shedding my cloak of a life long co-dependence.  This was the time of separation and the process of divorce from my first wife.  My introduction to my current beautiful and most supportive wife, Kelli.  It has been with the support, love, and encouragement of Kelli that has assisted me a great deal to getting me to the point of becoming independent.

4/1/18:  I heard during morning meditation, "We gave him as much as we could."  The day before I witnessed co-dependence between my ex and my son at a doctor's appoint. I have decided to make all efforts to take turns to go to the doctors, rather than have all three of us go together.  It triggers my feelings in a negative way.  My wife Kels and I work very hard to empower our son to become more independent and use his voice, but very difficult for him to be consistent, when he has to go between homes.

4/7/18:  Kels took me to East West Book Store today.  She picked up and read a beginners psychic book.  One section was calling upon your spirit guide-meet for the first time.  This afternoon Kels and I meditated for 10 minutes and tried.  I briefly saw two men.  One with his arms in shackles.  He was bent on his knees.  Another man standing over him.  I believe with a whip.  Both appeared to be white.  Kels says I need to call upon the Spirit Guide when I need help/assistance.

4/13/18:  I meditated after waking.  I called upon my Spirit Guide.  Again, I saw a muscular man in shackles, but this time hog tide.  Soon after, I saw and heard a check made out to me for 5,600.00.  I don't know when or how, but I am excited!

4/14/18:  I meditated after waking.  I focused on breath.  Soon I saw two women.  They appeared to be partners, in business and romantically.  One of the women was a tax accountant out of her home.  When I went back to see her a second time, she stated she was now going to practice as a ND.  I became anxious.  I questioned her.  "Are you still going to be my tax accountant?"  I asked twice, cause she didn't answer and just looked at me.  Then I heard, "4,228.00".  First I thought it was for me, but then I heard, "Kelli".  I am excited for my wife!  The other day she put out to the Universe that she wants $10,000.00.

4/15/18:  Insight from dreams:  Over the last few days, I have had a couple vivid dreams.  The dreams have been extreme anxiety dreams about not starting and completing term papers to pass a class or finish college.  Today, as I was meditating, I got the insight that the anxiety and same behavior is repeating in my current business success.  The reason I am failing at making money with consulting and putting on trainings is because I am scared, procrastinating, lack of confidence, and most importantly doing the all or nothing approach with business.

4/15/18:  During evening meditation with three stones I heard, "Letting go of the past.  Moving forward.  I saw our son Mason and felt the association with him.

4/26/18:  Morning meditation I heard, "I love you University (assuming my workplace), but I don't understand you a damn bit!"  I often feel hurt and used in my workplace.  I have a difficult time being treated nicely with respect by co-workers and management.

4/27/18:  I meditated with my wife Kels in the evening.  We were both trying to meet with our Spirit Guides.  I heard, "I felt lonely...till I met you."  I feel I relate to Spirit Guide in shackles-scared, controlled by others, suppressed at times, punished for seeking and speaking the truth.  I feel safe and understood and not alone when visited by Spirit Guide.  I feel he wants me to be free and not hold back.  I asked what to do about Plymouth Housing possibility (training).  I immediately heard, "Wait."  I have a hard time being patient.  I know they are interested.  I just need to be patient.

4/28/18:  Meditated with my wife this evening.  I heard, "Take a good look at you now, Marty!"  The message seemed positive and supportive.  The voice was not distinct in order for me to know who said this.  Had Kathleen, Joel, and my mom on my mind before meditation.


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