Moving forward with this blog, I've decided to share what I literally hear and/or insights during mediation, without sharing my lengthy interpretations.  These voices heard during meditation I have been told by professionals come from either our deep inner self, Spirit Guides, and/or the Universe itself.  What is heard is there to guide, protect, and/or inform us.  I have heard many over the years and jotted them down, but I will be sharing what I have most recently heard since early 2017:

3/3/17:  "I don't know the purpose of it." (had visual of being on a old container ship-locked door.).                                            
              Then heard, "bad smell."  Heard during meditation.

3/4/17:  "Got to get out the front door, in order to get out to the rest of the world." Heard during meditation.  Was thinking about my OPA business briefly before deep meditation.

3/27/17:  "I wanted to surprise you. (Saw beautiful bouquet of flowers). 3rd year Anniversary coming up soon.  Heard during meditation.

5/16/17:  "I keep knocking you with two bi-fours." (struggling with not trying to save a clt at work). Heard during meditation.

9/13/17:  "The artist is always hardest on themselves."  (Got this insight when wife being hard
               on herself around cooking.  I shared this with her and she appreciated the insight.

9/24/17:  "There is too much work to be done inwardly in a lifetime, before one can begin to work outwardly."  I was granted this insight, after a conversation with my wife.  We struck up a conversation about whether or not people can truly change and better our society as a whole.

10/13/17:  "The faster I move my body, the less I think."  I received this insight/observation cleaning the home.  I spend most of my time in my head thinking, and therefore I am physically slow moving throughout the day.

11/18/17:  "Use your logic."  I head during meditation. When I am often feeling emotional, I lose my logic, fall out of balance, become paralyzed by my feelings, make poor decisions, and/or simply make no decisions and take no action.  

11/19/17:  "We will figure it out together." Hearing this during mediation was comforting.  I always feel supported by my wife Kels.

12/10/17:  "It was them!" Heard during meditation.  Saw a visual of my wife being held back by others.  Kels was emotional.  Not clear why she was upset.

12/18/17:  "I am doing my part to make it a great day."  Woke up hearing after my alarm.

12/20/17:  "I am free, because the truth sets me free."  Heard/felt this feeling meditating before work.

1/12/18:  Thought/insight when laying in bed:  "Medicine is important for stabilizing, but you still need to do the work to heal."

1/20/18:  "The fruits of an adolescent brought a lesson for the brain."  This is what I heard during the end of the first meditation on the second day of our first home silent 48 hour retreat.  My wife's idea.  My son was sick with strep throat and I was home and cared for him that Friday.  My gut told me to take him to the doctor and he received this diagnosis.  My son said in the car I did all the right things to care for him.

1/20/18:  "I am so blessed."  I heard during our evening meditation.  I came to realize that the reason I feel so complete, know "my enough", is because all my basic "needs" in life, in this moment, are met:  shelter, food, clean drinking water, clothing, steady work/income to pay expenses, debt free (reduces my stress tremendously), rainy day fund, reliable transportation, quiet living space (reduces my stress tremendously), and loving and supportive natural support system (wife Kels, son Mason, and dad recently, medicine that works effectively, cognitive tools to maintain health and wellness, my strong connection to the Universe via my spirituality, and my physical health that allows me to work and earn money daily for our family and be able to enjoy life to the fullest!  My dreams are my "wants", but I already have all my "needs" met.  That is why I am so blessed!  I need to be grateful for all of this each day, and not lead astray.

1/21/18:  During afternoon meditation, I ended up processing a lot of info about myself and my behavior.  I learned a great deal about myself by being quiet for 48 hours.  I have chosen to keep that info to myself.

1/28/18:  "Address acute.   Manage chronic." Heard during family meditation.  Gut feeling is this may pertain to both my process that I teach for managing mental health and also raising our son.



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