
Now that we have been introduced and you know my intent, I will do my best to stay on topic and not digress.

I will begin at the point when I first discovered, that like you or anyone, we can all "tune in to the infinite thread of communication".  What we do or choose not to do with this information is completely up to each and everyone of us.

My first profound insight came at an early age.  I don't remember exactly, but I was in grade school.  I was riding home on the school bus.  The name of the highway was Cemetery Road (no joke) that connected the Renton Highlands to Issaquah, WA.  I believe my classmates and I were coming back from a field trip.  I was well liked by other children.  I remember taking pleasure in joking and making others laugh.  I recall us being super rowdy on the bus.  Suddenly the bus came to a quick and abrupt stop on the highway.  Everyone including myself became quiet.  Within a moment or two, I uncontrollably smiled and stood up.  I then shouted out loud that my mom was in the accident.  I couldn't believe what uttered out of my mouth.  I felt so ashamed as my peers looked at me with shock and disgust.  It was a feeling I had never received so strongly before.  I had no idea where it manifested from.  I was too young.

We sat parked on the highway which felt like a long while.  Once traffic started moving, all of us children, ignoring the bus drivers threats to stay in our seats, peered out the bus windows on the left hand side. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of any wreckage that had brought a halt to the joyous laughter just moments prior.  All that was to be seen was heavy black skid marks on the pavement and into the gravel that led off a steep embankment into the thick woods.

When I arrived home, I was still in a weird state of mind.  I still felt excited about sensing something, but scared about what I had heard regarding the accident on Cemetery Road. When I saw my mom I was very relieved.  I shared what happened to me on the bus.  My mom became very quiet and paused for several moments.  She then proceeded to tell me in a slow and quiet voice that she was the first to arrive at the scene.  My mom was a nurse.  She continued to share in graphic detail what she saw at the tragic one car accident that involved two high school girls that both perished.  I was traumatized by what my mom told me, therefore I will spare you the details.  What I learned was that in that moment I had somehow "tuned in".  I was profoundly present enough to know what was coming down the pike.  I just wasn't old enough or mature enough to know what to do with that connection to the "infinite thread of communication".

Unfortunately, from that day forward, out of PTSD and fear of obtaining more similar insights, I shut down this ability to be present and tune in.  It was eleven years ago that I became reconnected with this ability via meditation.   Next time I will share what I heard next that changed my life forever.


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